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For all reservation inquiries please complete the reservation request under "Book Now" in the menu. Thank you.

AMH Bangkok

28/2 Pradipat Road Soi 13, Samsen Nai, Payathai

Bangkok, Thailand 10400


Office Hours:  9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday; Closed on Saturday and Sunday


(within Thailand)  02-059-8551

(From out of country)  66-2-059-8551

Front office email:, for most communication, reservations

Host e-mail:, for direct communication with the host(s)



©️2024 AMH Bangkok, Thailand

28/2 Pradipat Road Soi 13, Samsen Nai, Payathai, Bangkok, Thailand 10400

28/2 ซอย ประดิพัทธิ์ 13 แขวง สามเสนใน เขตพญาไท กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400

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